7 Ways to Find Grace and Thrive During Difficult Times
7 Ways to Find Grace and Thrive During Difficult Times
I had no idea that this would be the subject of my first real estate blog….but here we are. I know this feels hard. I know it's unsettling. You may have already have had a personal melt down or feel one coming on during this COVID-19 Pandemic. I get it. Mine have been on and off for 2 weeks.
When I feel that way, I immediately grab my sneakers and head out for a grounding bike ride or Jazzercise workout which now happens in my living room, my time-tested antidote to anxiety. It works. It always does. With a much more clear and calm mind and heart this week, I am writing down 7 ways to find grace and thrive during difficult times. These are strategies we can implement anytime, but I hope they serve you and your family particularly during this time of uncertainty.
1) Focus on the positive.
Each of us has the power to choose our response to curveballs. We can let them bonk us in the head or we can mindfully choose to navigate them with grace. I know finding grace is made easier when I focus on the positive. Going forward, I'm intentionally choosing to pay much closer attention to the all the generosity, goodness and kindness happening all around us right now.
2) Practice compassion.
Remember, compassion begins with kindness to yourself. Make peace of mind a priority. Talk to your friends, coworkers and family and listen to their worries. As I do so, I feel my heart fill with genuine empathy, compassion, and even love. Powerful stuff. And feels a heck of a lot better than despair and worry.
3) Uncover the opportunity.
As I hunker down at home like you, away from the structure and routine that tends to help me feel safe, I choose to uncover the opportunity. How will you make changes in your life? Your children are home from school, you are working from home and you can’t go out and socialize and we have extra time on our hands. Finish the painting in the living room you have been meaning to do, organize your closets, cook a new recipe you wanted to try, play board games and do puzzles. Work on self mastery by journaling, reading and meditating. So many great things to do and focus on.
4) Stay connected.
Implementing physical social distancing is a MUST, but that doesn't mean we should isolate ourselves completely. Stay in close touch with your friends and family via phone or videoconference. Check in, share your feelings, support and be supported. Ask for help. Offer yours. Zoom happy hours are a thing now and you can enjoy a glass a wine with your friends! Use social media to find positive messages and people and follow them. Find ways to stay involved in the communities that 'fill your bucket' whether that means joining the conversation at your gym’s Facebook page, or 'attending' your church's weekly mass that is now held online.
5) Get outside.
Getting sunshine, fresh air and movement into your daily routine, particularly if you can do so a natural setting, is good for your physical and mental health. Period. It's grounding, cleansing and can be an incredible mood booster. Mindful walking elicits the relaxation response as we notice, smell, feel and interact with the natural world. It's also free and relatively safe. Just do it. And don't forget to nourish yourself with healthy food and rest, too!
6) Write Down 5 Things for Which You are Grateful.
Are negative thoughts threatening to overwhelm your positive mindset? Grab a notebook or Post-it and write down 5 things for which you are grateful in that very moment. It could be the snuggle time you had with your child earlier in the day, the running water in your house that is safe to drink, or maybe it's the 30 minutes you were finally able to find time to write this blog post (oh wait, that's mine!). Write them down and post them up every single day where you can see them - I recommend Post-Its on the frig or your bathroom mirror. Invite your family to join you in this practice – it is a great thing to share with each other at the dinner table.
7) Be Generous.
Being generous is FUN, a wonderful way to serve, and is so very contagious! It's also empowering as it provides us an opportunity to be a good citizen and community member by doing something positive and impactful for others. Ask, what can I do in this moment? How can I be useful and supportive? Give back to the community by delivering Meals on Wheels (what I do and have stepped up to do more often during this time) or volunteering other ways. Order to go from your favorite restaurant to show your support and over tip the wonderful people trying to make a living.
Stay safe, positive, connected, grateful and in motion every day and it will be great habits when we come out the other side as better versions of ourselves. Cheers!