New Year, New Habits

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New Year, New Habits

We all start the new year setting goals and then quickly return to our old ways. Instead of making New Year’s resolutions this year, make new habits. Small changes you can make and get out of your comfort zone. Small changes turn into big results. Try some of these ideas:

1. TRAVEL – Do some research and plan a trip to that bucket list destination.

2. DISCONNECT – Commit to using social media less. Instead, write a letter or make a phone call to connect with family and friends.

3. LEARN SOMETHING NEW – Whether you pick up an instrument or try your hand at calligraphy, finding a hobby can reduce stress and increase confidence.

4. VOLUNTEER – Find an organization that calls to you. Spend your time helping others.

5. SLEEP – Do you get enough sleep each night? This is one of the best ways to increase your energy and stay healthy and happy.

6. READ – Instead of turning on the TV after work, find a book to read. Whether it is a story you can get lost in or a self-help book.

7. COOK – If you want to make healthier choices this year, start by making your food from scratch. There are many great resources to get you started online.

8. JOURNAL – Counting your blessings every day can help you feel happier and more fulfilled. Each night before you go to bed or first thing in the morning when you wake, make a list of 3-5 things you are grateful for.

9. GO OUTSIDE – As winter drags on, we might find ourselves spending all our time inside. Go for a quick walk a few times a week to get some fresh air.

10. MAKE MEMORIES – While you’re living your day-to-day life, remember to find little moments each day that make you happy. Share these moments with friends and family and become the best version of yourself.

Happy New Year! Cheers to a great year!